You may apply using the online application form. The applications will be accepted till 19th May current year.
Any applications received after that date do not guarantee obtaining full services and may be accepted only after individual arrangements with the organizers. The number of places is limited - 800 people.
The application becomes valid as from the moment of paying the participation fee.
Participation fee is PLN 200 per person and should be paid on the following bank account: B.T. LIMATUR, 34-600 Limanowa, ul. M. Mordarskiego 2,
BS Limanowa 24 8804 0000 0070 0002 2552 0006,
The grid "payment title" should contain the name KIERAT 2025 as well as the name and surname of the participant the payment is made for. If one transfer is made for several participants (max. 3), their names and surnames should be specified. The participation fee shall be paid till 22nd April current year.
After this date the participation fee will increase to PLN 250.
The confirmation of payment should be presented at registration in the marathon office. To pay the participation fee during registration, the participants are obligated to get the organizers approval (e-mail: When ordering a souvenir T-shirt, an additional fee of PLN 50 must be added to the participation fee.
In case of resigning from the participation in the marathon you must immediately inform the organizers about it by filling in the resignation form, by phone or by email. In case of resigning before the 19th May, the participation fee will be refunded with deduction of PLN 15 handling fee. The participation fee for those who will resign after start list closing is not refunded.